Australia is the first country in the world to bring a law related to social media accounts regarding the childhood of children
What is the reason behind this law
The Australian government believes that today children create social media accounts at an early age and spend their time on it, which has a negative impact on their mind and body. The government wants That children should stay away from mobile phones and actually develop their brains by playing games in the playground This will make the coming generation healthy
What will happen if social media not follow the rule
The Australian government says that all social sites should ensure that a social account should not be created for a child below 16 years of age.If any company does not follow the rule then it will be fined 32 million dollars
Whereas there will be no penalty on parents and children
How can the company verify that the child is below 16 years of age
Now the government says that the company should find a way to identify the age of children below 16 years Also the government says that the company will not use the government ID.
Now it is being told that different types of trials will be done for a few days so that the age can be identified correctly.
The company says that we can verify the age through video selfie But some of these apps can tell a younger person much further.And older people can talk about younger age Due to which the company is looking for new options
The government says that if the video is verified by selfie, then the video will be deleted. So that privacy is not violated
This process will be implemented after several days of trial